Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day

My wonderful family surprised me by taking me fishing by one of the parks nearby.
While my husband was the only one that caught a fish,
we still had some excitement with seeing them in the water.

If you look closely, you can see the fish in the water.

We ran around the playground and laughed a lot.

What more could I ask for on Mother's day?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nana and Papa

My parents were able to come to town for Mother's day weekend.
My big girl can't get enough of her Papa.

There were hugs upon hugs all weekend long.

Saturday, my amazing husband showed up with lumber
stacked in his truck to make garden boxes for me.
With a little elbow grease and some exact measuring(by my husband),
we made and set the garden boxes.

Then we got ready for dinner by the campfire. 
My kids are always happiest eating:)

My big girl loves campfires.

Nana and my oldest snuggling by the fire.

Thanks Nana!
Thanks mom for showing by example, how to be a great mom
and to teach me what is really important in life.
I'm so happy I got to celebrate mother's day weekend with you!

My mother's day couldn't have gone better.
Within 15 minutes of  my parents pulling out of the driveway, 
We were blessed to be able to celebrate Mother's day with Zach's parents as well.
Zach cooked a wonderful breakfast and we had a great visit.
We are so thankful to have the relationships we have with our parents.
Thank you Lord for a wonderful Life!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Boys

My two guys went out trout fishing on Saturday for opening day
with the rest of the Brown boys.

It had rained the whole week prior, but they still caught keepers.
Not to brag, but my oldest caught the biggest fish out of everybody.

 He was feeling pretty good about life
after having bragging rights over his dad and uncles.

Can't wait to have a feast with these.  Thanks boys.

Monday, May 7, 2012

They're Here!

I picked up my new shared babies and oh, are they cute.
I'm not sure who is more excited: my kids, my father-in-law, or myself. 

This is a picture of when I first put them in their new home.
This is one of the feistiest chicks of the flock, who right before I took the picture,
lunged at the camera(It happens to be one of the Rhode Island Reds).

I will have to update the pictures soon because in two days,
they have already grown so much.

 My feisty little chick was the first to figure out the where the water and food was located.
More pictures to come...