Friday, May 29, 2015

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...

the rain was letting up a bit over the weekend, 
so naturally, the kiddos took advantage and jumped in the pool.
 It decided to start raining again and the kids were Loving it!
It changed our plans a bit over the weekend, but we made the best of it.
 The chickens got a new home and are loving it.
 We had a break from school and decided to take advantage of the sunshine!
 Before school started on Thursday, 
we set our alarms and headed out to get some excercise in before school.
We finally got a chance to put our weekend plans in action.
 The kids didn't want to stop, but we had school and work to do.
It was a nice start to our day.  
We got a chance to see some wildlife on the trail
 and listen to the birds along the way.
My life is filled with blessings.
Make it a great day!

Thursday, May 28, 2015


First off, my garden is sprouting.
 I love seeing the green popping up when I look outside.
 My potatoes have grown over twice the size since this picture.
 All of the rain has done such amazing things to my gardens and flower beds.
 I love sitting in my porch and looking into a lush flower bed.  
My Mary garden is growing and green.
Who knew all I had to do was plant on this side of the house?
 We thought a lot about where we would put the chicken coop.
And finally decided to make it part of my garden shed.  
 I wanted it close to a water source, easily heated, and near the compost.
All of those things happen to be right where my garden shed is:)
We put them in their new home and are going to be making a door 
out the back to the pen.  
Since we don't need nesting boxes until fall, 
we omitted that in the first construction. 
Thank goodness, I have a carpenter at my disposal!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Field Trip to F.A.S.T.Corporation

We got the chance to visit F.A.S.T. corporation in Sparta, WI. 
Fiberglass Animals Shapes Trademarks
Darren Schauf gave a great presentation about how everything was made
and a history lesson of the corporation.

 We got a chance to walk around the yard where they keep the molds for a bunch of the designs.
 We walked around for almost an hour and tried to figure out what mold 
belonged to what shape/object in the catalog.
We had a wonderful time and an educational experience. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Oh Happy Day...

 I had a great Mother's Day.  
Josephine received her first communion and was enrolled in the Brown Scapular.
 I am so proud to see how hard she worked this year to prepare
and feel blessed to be part her journey.
 My favorite part is the joy that radiates unto all others in her path.
Evie is so excited and can't seem to wait until it's her turn.  
Josephine was so happy to surrounded by her God-parents,
Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, and friends.
Josephine designed her dress with the help of Grandma's patterns.
A very special thanks to Grandma Brown who worked so hard on Josephine's dress.
She was beautiful and LOVED her dress.
No pressure Grandma, but when I tucked her in that night,
she requested that you make her wedding dress when she gets married.