Our little princess had a birthday! It brought tears to my eyes last night to see how big she is.
There is nothing more beautiful than watching your children grow,
although a part of me, wishes I could keep them small.
I made her a birthday crown with a lot of bling.
And she was wanting more jewels,
look out for this girl:)
We waited to celebrate until my husband got home from work.
The excitement was unbearable.
My adorable husband surprised my little princess with some flowers.
He knows exactly how to make her feel like a princess!
My oldest made her a beaded necklace and drew some pictures.
Her excitement made him feel so proud.
She opened up the homemade gifts I made for her and loved them all!
She opened up a scarf, leg warmers, and a skirt.
All pink, of course.
Her expressions are so dramatic...I love it!
A thank you hug to end the night with all her presents on.
She was so happy.
I am blessed!