in Strawberries!
On Monday, I picked up an order for 16 quarts of strawberries
at a local Amish farm and made almost all of into jam for the year.
Here was the end result for my efforts...
11 pints and 2 jelly jars made of reduced sugar surejell jam canned and
5 pints and 9 jelly jars made with Pomona's Universal Pectin in which I used
local honey for a sweetener instead of sugar.
It was not as sweet, but will definitely be sufficient in the winter when we are craving fruit!
Since I used up all my honey on Monday making jam,
I had to stop at the local Amish bakery to pick up more of my honey
and a few other NONESSENTIALS!
Oh, by the way, the angel food cake goes with the 22 more quarts I picked up on Friday:)
How could I say no?
When leaving the Amish bakery, my middle child informed me that
when she grows older she's going to be Amish.
Her main motivation behind this was that they wore dresses all the time, which made me smile.
I did have to explain that they don't wear any pink... I think that was a deal breaker.
So I'm at it again, this time to freeze strawberries whole for smoothies and
mashed up some up for strawberry shortcake in winter.