Friday, February 28, 2014

We talked to the Cardiologist...

and we are breathing a little better today.
She said that we may need to
do the open heart surgery,
but also acknowledged that this surgery
wouldn't make her high blood pressure go away.
She wants to look at the pictures and
check the gradient of the arch of the aorta
and check a couple other things before saying yes to the procedure.
Although the procedure may need to be done,
their are some different options for the surgery
rather than taking out the whole section of the aorta,
which would be great and a little less risky.
She will have to go through a whole bunch more tests,
but that's not anything different from what we are getting more used to.
We are taking this one day at a time
and are so thankful that we have the cardiologist that we do.
Evelyn's heart is showing signs of repairing on it's own
so there are good things happening too,
which is what we are trying to focus on.
Thanks for checking in and keep the prayers coming.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Evie's got a tummy bug...

On top of recovering,
Evie got a stomach bug and
hasn't been feeling well.
She has been in the bathroom all night
throwing up. 
Poor kiddo...she is a trooper like always.
We had a chance to talk to the one
doctor from Rochester and the
suggestion was still for an open heart surgery.
We have yet to talk to the
Cardiologist yet so we will
be able to more of our questions answers then.
Thanks for all the
comments and prayers. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Evie is recovering...

She is having kind of a tough go of it right now.
Evie has had a constant headache since we have been back
and her throat is sore from the breathing tube.
BUT She is happy to be home!

Sorry for the delay in posting this news,
but we have needed some time to process the news we received.
Yesterday at the hospital,
when the doctor came into the room to tell us how her
procedure went,
she told us what they did find-
tubular hypoplasia. 
The doctor mentioned how she thinks
they would proceed by possibly another surgery,
this time it would be open heart
and more invasive. 
When we talked to the doctor,
she had yet to consult with the cardiologist and the surgeon
so we are anxious to be able to talk to the whole team and
find out what options we have.
At this point we have calls into the doctors
and are awaiting responses. 
Thanks for all your prayers and love,
we wouldn't know what to do without you!
Please keep praying for Evelyn,
the team of doctors who are working on this,
and that we may make the right decision for her health.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No balloon needed

The procedure went well.
No severe narrowing at this point
that they felt needed ballooning at this time.
They were able to see more of the heart
to get an idea of the next step to address this blood 
pressure issue.
The plan is to possibly be able to
go home to night.
Thank you all for the prayers!
I will post tomorrow with an update of recovery.

Evie is in the procedure room

We just left Evie in the  procedure room.
She is doing really well
after being given her happy juice.
She was giggling:)
This time around she did declare her love
for her mama because of Zach's prompting.
It did the job and I left feeling good!

Depending on how the procedure goes,
They may NOT have to do the balloon.
After the tests yesterday,
The doctors said the narrowing is very slight,
but they aren't going to know until they get inside.
So they are in the procedure room and will beep us 
when they know more. 
She will need to rest for the next couple days 
to prevent bruising and bleeding.
We will fill you in as we hear more.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Off to Rochester...

today for the pre-opt appointment.
Evie is getting a bit nervous,
but she is happy to have her Auntie Jessica
and Devon in town.
We are going to come back home tonight
to make things a bit easier on Evie.
I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks for the prayers,
keep them coming.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Having some troubles with uploading pictures...

A big apology goes out to those of you who have been
waiting to hear news of the Brown family. 
Although I have been taking pictures,
I've been having problems getting them onto the post again.
I'm hoping the issue gets resolved soon.

I had gall bladder surgery a couple weeks ago and
am feeling much better.
My mom was able to come to lend a hand
and we had lots of laughs and got some knitting done.
It was a bit harder for me then I thought it would be,
but I'm doing so much better now. 

As for Evie, we just found out that the doctors
want to get a better handle on her blood pressure
so she isn't on so many medications. 
There is a procedure that inflates the part of the aorta that they
sewed back together(that site is 2mm more narrow than the rest of the aorta).
They are hoping with this balloon procedure,
that her bp will go down allowing her meds to be lessened as well. 
There are no guarantees that it will improve her bp
so we are praying for the best.
This procedure will be in Rochester, MN again,
but the stay will be considerably less(only a one night stay if all goes well).
It is also way less extensive
because they go through the groin. 
Please keep our family in your prayers especially the last week of February.
Thank you and God bless.