Thursday, October 25, 2012


It has been a whirl wind the last couple of weeks.
I find myself saying after _____ event it will slow down.
It seems like it does for a brief period and gets crazy again,
where I have to fill in the blank again. 
Some of the things keeping me busy... 1 1/2 of apples.
I made applesauce and for the first time, apple butter.

The kids really like it!
I also continued in my search for a chewy granola bar.
had a great flavor
 and if I had been watching the clock more closely
would have yielded a not so crumbly bar.
I was doing too many things at once. (Admitting it is the first step)
The kids and I were also making Carmel apples,
which turned out OK because we had left over Carmel that topped the granola bars:)

The boys went out shooting bows one night so
the girls and I stayed home and did a craft.
Canning ring pumpkins with cinnamon sticks for stems.

Needless to say,
I feel like my girl in this picture,
but am looking forward to a slower November.

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