Monday, February 4, 2013

Dig, Dig, Dig

We were lucky enough to have my Aunt Mary come for a couple of days.
It was a wonderful visit filled with memories, laughs, and a few glasses of wine.
The snow had come through (luckily the day before she had to travel)
and left the woods looking beautiful.

The boys, meanwhile, had been working on a fort every night. 
They had me working too, from inside the house,
filling water jugs so they
could turn the top solid with ice.  

They just broke through!

They each took turns going through and expanding the tunnel to make it bigger.
I believe an addition of windows was going to be implemented next.
Here was my big girl...I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture,
but she is crying.
It was her first time going through the tunnel and she got halfway
through and started yelling "I'm stuck"
I believe that was the last time she went through...
I don't blame her- I'd be crying too.

And lastly,
my favorite picture. 
This was the punishment for bickering, yelling, and
blaming each other for whatever injustice was being done.
They learned to work together as a team while holding hands,
they went downstairs and picked up their snow pants, coats, and hats as a team.

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