Sunday, July 7, 2013

Washington Island

Our trip started a day earlier than planned to head to Washington Island,
we had a chance to see my sister Jessica and her friend Ami that came for a visit.
It worked out great because we picked up my mom in Green Bay and headed up together.
 My vacation never really starts until we are on the ferry...
once I'm on it, I can unplug.
 Here's my love and I on the ferry.
 My Big girl and her dad wishing for bigger waves...
they don't have my motion sickness problem.
 Here's my oldest sis and my girls. 
The girls being taught how to braid hair.
 We all went to the mountain tower to drop off parachute men.
 We climbed all the stairs to see the men parachute down....
 and try to hit the target on the picnic table.
Warning: This is not as easy as it looks.
 We had a fun time trying...but alas, no one hit the target.
 Here's my beautiful mom and I on top of the tower.
 Here were are packing up the paratroopers for next time.
 My sis with the nieces and nephew.
 We ended that day with a trip to schoolhouse beach
where I saw something floating in the water...
so I went in to get it. 
It was a large piece of a driftwood that we carried back to the island home.
But it got everyone in the mood for swimming so we
got our swimming suits and came back for a dip.
It was great seeing Jessica and Ami on our trip,
we shared lots of laughs and logged some new memories.
I took so many pictures,
there are more posts to come from our trip:)
Until then...

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