Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What a day will do!

Well, with the temperatures now reaching 90F in the day,
I'm fighting my desire to turn on the air conditioning. 
As a result, I haven't been cooking in the oven at all,  which is always interesting
because I'm not yielding any fresh produce from the garden just yet.
Our kitchen is in the upstairs of our house so this was the result of yesterday...
melted butter.
Although, I'm not complaining, because look at this...

My lettuce mixture has sprouted and growing beautifully.

My squash is actually doing great,
which is starting to worry me since this variety is known for it's large size(up to 25#)
And that's not all...I've planted 9 plants!
Do you think we could carve Blue Hubbard squash instead of pumpkins this year?

Look past that hideous weed and focus on that beautiful dill! 
Everything around my home is flourishing with this warm weather,
including the kids! 
They love being outdoors and have recently taken to playing "garden" in the woods.
My plastic containers and even some of my tags (strawberry and dill)
are being used to mark their plants.
Kids playing garden outside while mom weeds her garden...
What's better than that?!?

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