Friday, June 8, 2012

Less like Simple, More like crazy

Less like simple life in the woods and a little more like crazy life in the woods...
That pretty much sums our lives for the last month.

Our last computer got s virus so I haven't been able to post until now.
(although I have been taking pictures)

We have been busy around here with the end of the school year,
planting a new gardens,
and most recently, we have had to handle loss in our family.
I have recently had to part with my grandmother and my uncle.
They both passed away within a day of each other. 
It has taken a toll on everyone.
Imagining life without someone who has always been a part of yours,
it's not an easy thing to do.
Although, I don't think it's suppose to be.
When someone is loved as much as they were,
it's impossible to think that, that void wouldn't effect you.
I'm thankful for the times I had with them
and the memories I hold in my heart. 
Grief seems to come in waves,
I will be able to laugh at funny memories
and be crying an hour later when I grab the phone to call them.
It puts things into perspective and makes you appreciate what you
have and take for granted everyday...
that there will be time to tell those around you that you love them.
For me, prayer and memories get me through the waves
of feelings that usually surround me now a days.

I usually don't have an all word post,
but I wanted to explain my absence. 

Make it a great day
and remember to tell those that are around you that you love them.

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